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Please call to set up an appointment for a computerized Visual Efficiency or thorough Visual Processing testing.

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Welcome to The Visual Performance Center!

Vision is more than 20/20 eyesight. It involves over 20 visual abilities and more than 65% of all of the pathways to the brain. Current research indicates that about 1 of 4 children have vision problems that interfere with their ability to achieve.


When difficulties with clear vision involve the muscles of the eyes, vision therapy is recognized by the American Optometric Association and the College of Optometrists in Vision Development as the primary method of treatment. The Visual Performance Center was formed by a group of optometrists, to offer their patients and others in the Tennessee Valley the support they need to achieve their fullest potential in all aspects of their lifestyle.

Perscription Glasses

After testing Visual Efficiency and Processing Skills, we customize a therapy plan for each child or adult. We use the Scheiman approach that has set goals for every skill. Therapy is done in-office and home therapy is given. Computerized software is utilized as well as free-space activities. Improved Visual Efficiency and Processing skills bring about improved self-esteem and sports ability. We coordinate care with Occupational Therapists, Neuropsychologists and Educational Therapists and give classroom accommodation recommendations.


Children grow and change rapidly. Your child's eye care should include a thorough developmental exam each year. When your doctor recommends vision therapy, call us.

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