Our Services
The Visual Performance Center was developed to help your bright child who appears to have good vision, works hard, and yet does poorly in reading, writing, spelling or math. We do testing for Visual Efficiency and Visual Processing disorders and then customize Vision Therapy to build necessary skills for easier reading and learning.
Traumatic Brain Injury can disrupt Visual Efficiency and Visual Processing skills. We work with Occupational Therapists to further test and prescribe therapy to build skills.
Visual Efficiency skills are:
Binocular vision - the ability to point both eyes accurately so that a clear three dimensional image is seen. It is also referred to as eye teaming.
Accommodation - the ability to change the shape of the lens inside the eye so that a clear image can be seen whether close or far away. It is commonly called focusing and should happen accurately in a fraction of a second.
Eye Movement Skills - the ability of the eyes to move smoothly or in a rapid jump movement so that the most sensitive part of the eye is regarding whatever is of interest.
Visual Processing skills include:
Laterality - knowing your own left and right.
Directionality - recognizing left and right orientation in other things.
Visual form perception - ability to recognize and copy shapes and patterns.
Visual memory - ability to recall and recreate shapes from memory. This skill is essential for spelling.
Visual Motor Integration - hand-eye coordination.
Dyslexia - a condition where there is an inordinate difficulty learning to read and/or spell.
Our practice has the latest in, state-of-the-art, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. We utilize the HTS 3 computerized therapy system combined with traditional therapy methods to treat binocular, tracking, and accommodative problems. We also use the revolutionary Neuro-Vision Rehabilitator (NVR). The NVR addresses deficits in the visual processing skills necessary for “Top Down” information processing. Deficits in these skills are commonly associated with:
Acquired Brain Injury
Balance Disorders (disequilibrium and vestibular)
Children and adults who have problems ‘filtering’ multi-sensory information
The NVR Therapy Modules use Wii remotes and sensors which provide real space interactive feedback, thus integrating vision, auditory, proprioception, balance, and visuomotor control. This allows control of the interaction of balance and head movement as well as binocular and stereo stimuli. This provides the patient with motivating auditory and tactile feedback as they interact with the program.
We are especially proud of the work we do with children on the autism spectrum. In addition to working to improve their visual efficiency skills we teach them to process and integrate visual stimulation more effectively. We also incorporate visual perceptual skills into therapy where and when needed. Our therapists maintain a close relationship with several occupational therapists in the area. These occupational therapists work with us on a referral/co-management type basis which, in turn, helps the patient utilize their health insurance benefits to the best advantage.
To find out more about Visual Efficiency and Visual Processing disorders please click on the links!